You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together. 36x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.

People just don’t understand how obsessed I am with winning. 36x48 in. Acrylic on canvas.

Nobody wins when the family feuds. 48x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.

When your general doesn’t panic, the troops don’t panic. 36x48 in. Acrylic on canvas.

Some days the bravest thing you can do is say hello. 36x48 in. Acrylic on canvas.

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path. 36x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.

Without such love, ones dreams would have no meaning. 24x30 in. Acrylic on canvas.

A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself. 36x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.

Those who play will out last those who train. 30x24 in. Acrylic on canvas. 30x24 in. Acrylic on canvas.

Leave your ego at the door. 30x24 in. Acrylic on canvas.

You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together. 36x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.
People just don’t understand how obsessed I am with winning. 36x48 in. Acrylic on canvas.
Nobody wins when the family feuds. 48x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.
When your general doesn’t panic, the troops don’t panic. 36x48 in. Acrylic on canvas.
Some days the bravest thing you can do is say hello. 36x48 in. Acrylic on canvas.
Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path. 36x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.
Without such love, ones dreams would have no meaning. 24x30 in. Acrylic on canvas.
A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself. 36x36 in. Acrylic on canvas.
Those who play will out last those who train. 30x24 in. Acrylic on canvas. 30x24 in. Acrylic on canvas.
Leave your ego at the door. 30x24 in. Acrylic on canvas.